Home > Artworks > Diomedes Figueroa Caballero

Photo of Diomedes Figueroa Caballero Peru
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Drawing, painting and sculpture is my hobby, I also like interior decoration, wall painting, design tunnig, airbrush, comics, stories with illustrations such as Luis Royo .., I have more preference for innovative artists in style and technical break schemes that go beyond the simple way we see things, there are artists who are dedicated to paint things as they see it or sculpt what they see, there are many very good, but...

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19.69 x 35.43 in
17.72 x 25.59 in
7.09 x 11.81 in

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Drawing, painting and sculpture is my hobby, I also like interior decoration, wall painting, design tunnig, airbrush, comics, stories with illustrations such as Luis Royo .., I have more preference for innovative artists in style and technical break schemes that go beyond the simple way we see things, there are artists who are dedicated to paint things as they see it or sculpt what they see, there are many very good, but I value more than those who use their creative imagination and make a special image, creating a fantasy setting and some unusual but at the same elegance and virtuosity, especially am a fan of illustrators, creators of manga, comics ... in this type of art requires the same virtuosity, drawing freehand pure light and shadow study the proportion of forms, perspective, the abundance of lines, straight lines, curves, etc. make a harmonious and complex in the table, so you get an extraordinary composition. In these times of technological modernism is dial artists win awards in support of using machines to run their boxes as projectors, cameras, programs like photoshop and other things to sell ... and these \\\\ \\\"artists \\\\\\\" can do wonders with these things indoors, but I wonder if they went to the countryside to paint a landscape or a portrait or a small animal carrying only easel, paint, brushes and support, I believe the image would come out with the same quality as they do within their homes with their sophisticated devices You? I leave with a critical evaluation of yourselves. The art in our time has been perverted so that anyone can be an artist, for me the use of these equipment (projectors, computers, etc.) is mediocrity, they have everything chewed and do not seek to draw, the most beautiful is pure freehand drawing with great precision calculation and support to be painted. The drawing and painting competitions should be conducted in vivo, in the audience and not a ready made box by machine.

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